The Fed akan merilis notulen pertemuan pada tanggal 31 Januari - 1 Februari pukul 14:00. ET, yang bisa memberi petunjuk apakah bank sentral akan menaikkan suku bunga di bulan Maret. Pembuat kebijakan, termasuk Ketua Fed Janet Yellen, telah memicu kemungkinan kenaikan suku bunga lebih cepat dari kemudian. Juga pada pikiran investor adalah bagaimana Fed melihat ketidakpastian mengenai kebijakan ekonomi di bawah. LONDON Lloyds Banking Group mengatakan bahwa keuntungan mendasarnya sedikit meningkat pada kuartal keempat karena mulai bergerak melampaui skandal masa lalu dan penyelamatan pemerintah selama krisis keuangan. Bank tersebut mengatakan bahwa keuntungan mendasar, yang tidak termasuk item satu kali seperti biaya restrukturisasi, meningkat menjadi 1,79 miliar pound dari 1,76 miliar pound setahun sebelumnya. Kepala penasihat India kepala belakang menyerukan bank yang buruk. NEW DELHI, 22 Februari - Kementerian Keuangan Indis pada hari Rabu mendukung sebuah panggilan oleh Reserve Bank of India untuk mendirikan sebuah institusi yang serupa dengan bank yang buruk, dengan mengatakan bahwa urgensi diperlukan untuk menangani pinjaman bermasalah yang membebani sektor perbankan yang telah menumbangkan investasi dan pertumbuhan. . Komentarnya mendukung pandangan lurus. Saudi Aramco telah meminta JPMorgan Chase dan Morgan Stanley untuk membantu IPO mamunya yang akan datang dan dapat meminta bank lain untuk mengakses investor China. TD Direct Investments CIO Michelle McGrade mengatakan bahwa cukup terkejut dengan harga saham Lloyds yang telah meningkat seperti pada hari Rabu ketika mengomentari pendapatan baru-baru ini di bank. Saham global mencapai rekor tertinggi, Eropa membuat sedikit keuntungan. LONDON, 22 Februari - Saham global mencapai rekor tertinggi pada hari Rabu, mendorong kenaikan untuk tahun di atas untuk semua tahun 2016, sementara dolar naik sebelum Federal Reserve menit yang akan digali untuk petunjuk pada waktu kenaikan suku bunga A. S. berikutnya. Musim kejayaan yang relatif kuat di Eropa dan Amerika. Sebagai bank yang paling terbuka di antara bank-bank besar Inggris terhadap kemerosotan ekonomi Inggris, dengan 97 persen bisnisnya di Inggris, Lloyds telah mengacaukan harapan bahwa tahun-tahun terakhir memilih untuk keluar dari Uni Eropa akan menekan keuntungan. Saham di Britishains terbesar pemberi pinjaman hipotek naik 3,8 persen pada 0902 GMT, saham berkinerja terbaik di patokan FTSE 100. JAKARTA, 22 Februari - Bank-bank terbesar di Indonesia harus menulis rencana untuk pulih dari kemungkinan kebangkrutan, sebuah tindakan untuk memastikan bahwa pihak berwenang tidak memiliki Untuk menyelamatkan mereka, ketua regulator perbankan mengatakan pada hari Rabu. Parlemen Indonesia tahun lalu mengeluarkan undang-undang yang menetapkan protokol langkah demi langkah tentang bagaimana pihak berwenang harus menangani a. David Benamou, managing partner Axiom Alternative Investments, mengatakan bahwa Lloyds adalah salah satu bank Eropa yang berhasil membangun kembali bisnisnya. Andrew Slimmon, manajer portofolio senior Morgan Stanley Investment Management, menjelaskan pandangannya bahwa ada peluang besar masih dalam laporan keuangan A. S. BANGLADESH, DENGAN KEMBALI PEMBULAN PERTAMA, BERBICARA DENGAN BANK INTERNASIONAL UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN SUMBER PEMBIAYAAN PEMBIAYAAN. SHANGHAI, 22 Februari - Indeks saham utama China naik untuk hari ketiga pada hari Rabu untuk mendekati level tertinggi tiga bulan, meskipun kenaikannya ditutup karena spekulan menjual beberapa saham sektor keuangan yang baru terdaftar. Saham di Jiangsu Wujiang Rural Commercial Bank anjlok 9,1 persen, terbesar satu hari sejak terdaftar pada akhir November. Saham real estat nyaris tidak bergerak. MILAN, 22 Februari - Bank-bank Italia terjebak dalam apa yang oleh para ahli hutang yang stres disebut api penyucian, masih dipaksa untuk membayar harga yang mahal untuk dosa masa lalu mereka meskipun data pinjaman menunjukkan bahwa mereka sedang berbelok. Italia memiliki 130 miliar euro pinjaman yang tidak mungkin dibayar, di mana peminjam berada dalam masalah namun tetap dalam bisnis. Pinjaman yang tidak mungkin dibayar adalah seperti api penyucian: untuk menghindari. SHANGHAI, 22 Februari - regulator keuangan Chinas telah mengedarkan kerangka kerja rancangan peraturan baru yang bertujuan untuk membatasi risiko di industri pengelolaan aset yang sedang booming di negara tersebut, menurut beberapa berita China dan rincian draft yang dilihat oleh Reuters. Aturannya, dirumuskan oleh bank sentral bersamaan dengan sekuritas, perbankan dan asuransi China,. NEW YORK - Gubernur Dewan Gubernur Federal Jerome Powell berbicara mengenai Outlook Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Moneter sebelum makan malam Perema Club New York - 1800 GMT. DALLAS, Presiden Amerika Serikat Federal Reserve Robert Kaplan membahas masalah yang dihadapi negara dan ekonomi global - 2330 GMT. LONDON - Deputi Gubernur Bank of England untuk Indonesia. NEW YORK - Gubernur Dewan Gubernur Federal Jerome Powell berbicara mengenai Outlook Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Moneter sebelum makan malam Perema Club New York - 1800 GMT. DALLAS, Presiden Amerika Serikat Federal Reserve Robert Kaplan membahas masalah yang dihadapi negara dan ekonomi global - 2330 GMT. LONDON - Deputi Gubernur Bank of England untuk Indonesia. Pengawas keuangan China mempertimbangkan untuk membuat jaring pengaman baru yang besar di sektor bayangan negara, laporan SCMP. Pedagang difokuskan pada rilis beberapa menit dari pertemuan Feds pada 30 Januari - 1 Februari, yang dijadwalkan pada hari Rabu pukul 1900 GMT. Juga di radar adalah pidato Presiden Donald Trump kepada Kongres pada 28 Februari, yang diharapkan para analis dan pedagang akan merinci rincian pengeluaran infrastruktur dan pemotongan pajak. Gubernur Bank of England Mark Carney menghadapi tantangan dari anggota parlemen pada hari Selasa. CANBERRA - Gubernur Reserve Bank of Australia Philip Lowe akan hadir di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat untuk Ekonomi. CHISINAU - Bank Nasional Moldova mengumumkan keputusan suku bunga. ANKARA - Pertemuan kebijakan moneter Bank Sentral Republik Turki. Analis Fred Cannon dan Jeffery Harte membahas dampak pemotongan pajak bank terhadap keuangan. Aset, Biaya dan Regulasi Cara dasar yang dilakukan perusahaan media adalah, Anda membuat barang, dan Anda menunjukkannya kepada orang-orang, dan mereka suka melihatnya, dan Maka Anda pergi ke perusahaan lain dan mengatakan bahwa mereka melihat berapa banyak orang yang melihat barang-barang kami, apakah Anda ingin memasang iklan untuk barang-barang Anda di samping barang barang kami. Dan mereka menjawab ya, dan membayar Anda. Dan Anda mengembangkan metrik - mengukurxA0how banyak orang melihat barang Anda, dan untuk berapa lama, dan seberapa kaya mereka dan seberapa besar kemungkinan mereka membeli produk xA0-- untuk meyakinkan pengiklan agar membayar lebih banyak. Hal ini sampai batas tertentu merupakan masalah pengukuran ilmiah, tapi ini sebagian besar adalah masalah persuasi: Tugas Anda adalah untuk menciptakan sebuah cerita. Tentang bagaimana, tentu saja, bukan berarti banyak orang melihat barang Anda, tapi mereka semua adalah influencer muda yang lemah dengan penghasilan sekali pakai , Sehingga pengiklan harus membayar banyak untuk mencapainya. ArtxA0 itu tidak mengukur angka mentah itaposs dalam menjelaskan nilai yang tersembunyi di angka tersebut. Cara kerja perusahaan media sosial adalah persis sama: Anda menunjukkan barang-barang kepada orang lain, mereka melihatnya, dan perusahaan membayar Anda untuk menunjukkan iklan mereka kepada orang-orang itu. Atau itu bisa bagaimana cara kerjanya dalam teori, dan di Facebook. Namun, perusahaan media sosial tahap awal menambahkan sedikit sentuhan pada proses ini, yaitu seringkali mereka menjual banyak iklan kepada donapostxA0. Namun. Di sana, bukannya mengembangkan metrik untuk meyakinkan pengiklan untuk memberi Anda uang, Anda akan membuat metrik untuk meyakinkan investorXA0 untuk memberi Anda uang. Seni di sini sama dengan bisnis media biasa: Tugas Anda bukan hanya untuk mengukur jumlah orang yang melihat barang Anda, tapi juga untuk membuat cerita tentang betapa baiknya orang-orang tersebut kepada pengiklan, karena masa muda mereka. Atau kekayaan atau cap budaya atau obsesi dengan barang Anda atau apapun. Ini adalah corporate finance yang sangat mudah. Akhirnya, setelah Anda go public dan lebih mapan - Anda akan mengalihkan perhatian Anda untuk memberi tahu barang-barang Anda dengan ribuan iklan. Bila Anda melakukan itu, semua metrik Anda - berapa banyak orang yang melihat barang Anda, betapa menariknya pengiklan, seberapa besar komitmen mereka terhadap barang Anda - akan diterjemahkan ke dalam uang. (Tidak secara langsung, tapi mereka akan mendukungnya. Kisah yang Anda ceritakan kepada pengiklan, siapa yang akan memberi Anda uang.) Semakin baik dan lebih persuasif metriknya, semakin banyak uang yang akan diberikan pengiklan kepada Anda (di masa depan). Semakin banyak uang yang akan diberikan pengiklan kepada Anda (di masa depan), semakin tinggi nilai sekarang dari arus kas diskonto sekarang, bagi investor yang memodelkan berapa harga perusahaan Anda. Masih terasa seperti arbitrase, atau sulap tangan. Jika pengguna Anda sangat berharga, mengapa tidak justxA0 menghasilkan uang dari mereka xA0 Cerita yang Anda ceritakan kepada investor adalah efeknya adalah cerita yang akan kami ceritakan kepada pengiklan, namun belum lagi. Fakta bahwa Anda memberitahukannya kepada investor menyiratkan bahwa itu adalah isxA0 Lebih meyakinkan bagi investor daripada pengiklan. xA0 Anyway, inilah rekan Bloomberg Gadfly saya Shira Ovide di Snap Inc. aposs yang merencanakan penawaran umum perdana, dan metrik penggunaan dan keterlibatan yang dipresentasikan kepada bankir, yang juga dapat melakukan tugas ganda sebagai Sihir pengalih perhatian perusahaan - lihatlah objek yang mengkilap ini di sini - untuk membanjiri investor dengan metrik buatan tangan yang melukis perusahaan dengan cahaya terbaik dan mengalihkan perhatian mereka dari hitungan pengguna bulanannya. quot Tapi mengapa investor akan memperhatikan jumlah pengguna bulanan bulanan. Investor harus peduli tentang uang. Pengguna bulanan, dan metrik keterlibatan lainnya - apakah persentase pengguna mengambil foto menggunakan kamera appx2019s, dan juga berapa banyak dari gambar tersebut yang menggunakan geofilter, yang sejenis - adalah rambu urutan kedua di jalan menuju uang. XA0 Jalan menuju uang panjang, dan Snapchat baru saja dimulai. Ovide: Pertumbuhan pendapatan harus sangat mudah karena Snapchat baru saja memulai penjualan iklannya. Perusahaan sekarang membuat penjualan iklan kira-kira 1xA0 untuk setiap pengguna, menurut perhitungan Gadfly berdasarkan perkiraan pendapatan onxA0eMarketer dan pengguna Bloomberg Intelligence. Facebook dan Twitter masing-masing pukul 16 dan 8. Dalam arti tertentu, IPO Snapaposs, di mana ia akan keluar dan memberi tahu investor tentang betapa bergunanya bahwa orang menggunakan geofilternya atau apa pun, adalah praktik yang baik ketika memutuskan untuk benar-benar menghasilkan uang, yang akan dilakukan dengan pergi keluar dan memberi tahu Pengiklan tentang betapa berharganya orang menggunakan geofiltersnya atau apapun. Tapi dalam arti lain rasanya aneh - tidak dibandingkan dengan perusahaan media sosial atau internet lainnya, mungkin, tapi tetap aneh - untuk memulai dengan para investor. Anda dapat membagi kegiatan industri jasa keuangan menjadi dua kategori, (1) melakukan hal-hal dan (2) menjualnya kepada Anda, dan biaya untuk melakukan sesuatu terus turun. Jika Anda ingin membeli dana yang diperdagangkan di bursa akhir-akhir ini, keputusan investasi fundaposs mungkin sudah dilakukan dan perdagangan Anda mungkin dilakukan oleh komputer. Tidak hanya ada banyak karya bernilai tinggi bernilai tinggi yang mengubah uang Anda menjadi investasi diversifikasi yang efisien di pasar saham. Di sisi lain, jika Anda membeli ETF dari penasihat keuangan Morgan Stanley, ada banyak karya mahal yang bisa mengeluarkan uang Anda dari dompet Anda. Seperti, penasihat itu mungkin punya kantor. Ini memiliki kursi. Dia ingat nama anak-anak Anda. Dia meluangkan waktu untuk mengobrol dengan Anda tentang tujuan keuangan Anda. HexA0 memerlukan lebih banyak perawatan dan pemberian makan daripada daftar saham yang membuat keputusan investasi aktual untuk ETF Anda. Berikut adalah cerita tentang bagaimana Morgan Stanley quothas mengatakan kepada beberapa emiten dana untuk membayar biaya atau risiko untuk menawarkan penawaran masa depan yang diblokir dari jaringan penjualannya, yang mengutip hasil usaha Wall Street untuk mendorong pendapatan pialang karena investor melarikan diri dari dana kelolaan yang lebih mahal untuk pasif yang lebih murah. Produk seperti dana indeks. (Morgan Stanley quotsaid biaya mencakup berbagai layanan termasuk akses ke penasihat keuangan firmx2019s, manajemen cabang dan personil kantor rumah. quot) Jelas jika Anda adalah penyedia ETF, biaya distribusi membuat Anda sedih. Jika Anda seorang investor ETF dengan penasihat Morgan Stanley, mereka mungkin juga membuat Anda sedih. Anda hanya menginginkan produk terbaik mengapa Morgan Stanley menolak memberi Anda produk tersebut hanya karena penyedia mereka menolak membayar biayanya. Tetapi kenyataan yang tidak nyaman adalah bahwa banyak biaya jasa keuangan adalah biaya untuk mengajukannya kepada Anda, danxA0 seseorangxA0 Harus membayar biaya tersebut. (Itaposs Anda.) Ini tidak terlalu gila atau apapun saat Anda membeli susu, mungkin Anda tahu sebagian harga untuk membayar karton dan display supermarket dan kasir dan sebagainya. Bisnis jasa keuangan selalu memiliki cara untuk membuatnya terlihat sedikit norak, tentu saja, tapi onexA0can bersimpati. Jika Anda membeli ETF Anda dengan harga murah, berbiaya rendah dan berteknologi tinggi - penasihat robo online - maka, tentu saja, Anda harus mengharapkan biaya distribusi rendah. Tetapi jika Anda pergi ke penasihat keuangan manusia mahal untuk memegang tangan dan mengasuh anak-mengingat-nama, dan kemudian membeli ETF berbiaya rendah darinya, Anda tidak perlu heran jika dia ingin menghasilkan sedikit uang. Sebuah teori regulasi. Saya sedang mengerjakan sebuah teori regulasi tentatif. Ini seperti ini: Ada dua jenis peraturan: peraturan adat dan peraturan curah. Peraturan khusus dirancang untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Anda ingin orang melakukan sesuatu, jadi Anda menulis sebuah peraturan yang mewajibkan mereka melakukannya dan menghukum mereka jika mereka melakukannya. Misalnya, jika Anda ingin perusahaan AS mempertahankan pekerjaannya di AS, Anda mungkin akan menulis sebuah peraturan untuk memberi mandat bahwa pada saat itu, dan untuk menentukan pajak perbatasan utama pada perusahaan yang memindahkan pekerjaan di luar USquot Itu adalah contoh peraturan khusus, dan itu adalah Bagus karena menjaga pekerjaan di peraturan Massal AS adalah jenis barang yang Anda beli di halaman, yang Anda ukur dengan kuantitas dan bukan tujuan. xA0Mereka donapost memiliki tujuan, sungguh mereka hanya rekaman umum. quot Ini adalah peraturan bahwa presiden Sering mengumumkan mereka akan memotong dua, atau membekukan dengan perintah eksekutif. Mereka mengambil peraturan yang bukan berasal dari keinginan beralasan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu, tapi dari peraturan yang benar untuk diatur. xAku peraturan buruk itu buruk karena mereka mencegah bisnis melakukan hal-hal bisnis-tanpa melakukan sesuatu yang baik. xA0 Semua peraturan adalah peraturan khusus. Semua diskusi tentang quotregulationquot adalah tentang peraturan massal, yang tidak ada. Pokoknya kemarin Presiden Donald Trump bertemu dengan para pemimpin bisnis dan berjanji untuk mengeluarkan peraturan - baca: peraturan bulkxA0 - kutipan 75 persen. quot (Jika Anda ingin mengutip sesuatu yang mengerikan dan spesial, katakan padanya kepada mereka, Anda pasti akan mendapatkan persetujuan Anda Fast. quot) Sepertinya dia tidak membahas secara spesifik peraturan mana yang akan dia potong, yang sesuai dengan teori saya. Di sisi lain, dia berjanji untuk menerapkan peraturan baru yang mengharuskan perusahaan untuk mempertahankan operasinya di A. S. (Jika Anda memiliki perusahaan di sini, Anda memiliki pabrik di sini), dan menaikkan pajak mereka jika mereka membeli. Perusahaan juga akan menghadapi pembatasan baru untuk mencoba barang ekspor, karena Trump berencana untuk meninggalkan berbagai perjanjian perdagangan. XA0 Ini tentu saja merupakan peraturan baru yang penting dan memberatkan. Tapi itu peraturan adat, jadi mereka tidak dilindungi oleh janji Trumpaposs untuk memotong peraturan massal sebesar 75 persen. Semuanya masuk akal, tapi Anda harus memiliki sebuah teori. xA0 Mungkin berita yang terkait, Trump mengumumkan pembekuan perekrutan untuk pekerja federal. Pada saat dia sedang mempekerjakan ribuan orang untuk mengelola administrasinya. xA0 Itu terdengar aneh, sampai Anda Menyadari bahwa Trump adalah freezingxA0 bulkxA0 mempekerjakan sementara melanjutkanxA0 customxA0 mempekerjakan. Jika reksa dana menjadi ilegal Semakin banyak dana yang dimiliki oleh danaxx, maka semakin sedikit perhatian yang mereka bayarkan, dan semakin banyak manajer yang mengalami kerusakan dapat naik, kata sains: Chicago Boothx2019s Elisabeth Kempf, bersama dengan Bocconi Universityx2019s Alberto Manconi dan Tilburg Universityx2019s Oliver G. Spalt, meneliti Dampak ekonomi dari lingkungan di mana pemegang saham tidak dapat secara aktif memantau semua perusahaan yang mereka investasikan. Konsisten dengan kerangka prinsipal agen utama dari teori ekonomi, di mana agen (manajer) bertindak atas nama prinsipal (pemegang saham), para peneliti Temukan bahwa ketika pemegang saham x201 melakukan tugas, eksekutif x201D memiliki kelonggaran lebih besar untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan pribadi, sehingga merugikan nilai pemegang saham. X201CKita memanfaatkan fitur unik data kepemilikan institut AS untuk menunjukkan bahwa para manajer merespons pemantauan sementara yang longgar, yang disebabkan oleh investor dengan perhatian terbatas yang memusatkan perhatian mereka di tempat lain, dengan melakukan investasi yang memaksimalkan keuntungan pribadi dengan mengorbankan pemegang saham, x201D menulis Kempf, Manconi, Dan Spalt. Temuan utama kami mengenai ketentuan tata kelola perusahaan menunjukkan bahwa reksa dana kurang terlibat dibandingkan VC dan memberikan lebih sedikit tata kelola pada umumnya. Pada saat yang sama, mereka cenderung memberikan insentif yang tidak langsung kepada pengusaha dalam beberapa dimensi tertentu melalui ketentuan kontrak yang konsisten dengan reksa dana2020 sumber pembiayaan yang unik. Secara khusus, kami menemukan bahwa putaran investasi yang dibagi oleh dana bersama terkait dengan hak arus kas yang lebih sedikit dan hak kontrol yang lebih sedikit di banyak dimensi. Misalnya, reksa dana lebih cenderung menggunakan saham preferen yang dapat dikonversi langsung, yang terkait dengan ketentuan insentif tidak langsung yang lebih lemah daripada saham preferen yang berpartisipasi yang populer di kalangan VC. Reksadana secara signifikan kurang terwakili di dewan direksi sehingga mereka cenderung tidak memantau secara langsung portofolio unicorn melalui intervensi dewan atau memberikan suara pada tindakan korporasi yang penting. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa reksa dana tidak mungkin memberikan layanan tata kelola yang serupa dengan VC. Pada saat yang sama, kami menemukan bahwa reksa dana yang berpartisipasi dalam investasi bersama dikaitkan dengan hak penebusan yang jauh lebih signifikan: yaitu saham preferen konversi yang dimiliki reksa dana cenderung lebih dapat ditukarkan. Hasil seperti itu kuat di semua spesifikasi kami yang berbeda. Reksa dana yang berpartisipasi dalam putaran juga dikaitkan dengan hukuman bayar-untuk-bermain yang lebih sedikit, yang berarti mereka cenderung tidak dimasukkan ke dalam refinancing investasi unicorn ketika perusahaan portofolio yang mendasarinya tidak berkinerja baik. Hal ini sesuai dengan pandangan saya bahwa pasar swasta adalah pasar publik yang baru. Perbedaan tradisional adalah bahwa para pemodal ventura berinvestasi di pasar swasta, dimana tidak ada likuiditas, dan menebus kurangnya likuiditas mereka dengan banyak dana pemantauan dan pengendalian reksa dana berinvestasi di pasar umum, di mana ada likuiditas, dan permintaan jauh lebih sedikit Cara pemantauan dan pengendalian. Sekarang reksadana berinvestasi di pasar swasta, tapi hanya di pasar swasta yang paling mirip pasar umum - dana rata-rata nampaknya lebih tertarik daripada VC dalam berinvestasi di akhir putaran dan sektor panas - dan mereka menuntut likuiditas yang relatif lebih banyak dan lebih sedikit Kontrol dari pemodal ventura lakukan. Kisah Jessica Pressler tentang pendukung Donald Trumpaposs Wall Street sama menyenangkannya seperti yang Anda harapkan, seperti yang sangat menyenangkan namun dengan nada mengerikan. Banyak fokusnya adalah pada Anthony Scaramucci, pemasar fund-of-fund yang kini telah menjadi trump public-relations person. Ketika Pressler terakhir menulis tentang Scaramucci, xA0 dia adalah pendukung utama Teori Rahasia Trump, gagasan bahwa Trump jauh lebih bijaksana dan pragmatis daripada kata-katanya, tindakan dan sejarahnya akan menyarankan. Dia masih - dia menganjurkannya di Davos minggu lalu - tapi advokasinya sekarang tampak lebih gelap dan lebih sinis. (QuotIx2019ll akan melakukan apa pun yang Anda inginkan, quotxA0 dia memberi tahu Mike Pence.) Grant xA0James, dengan baik, menyebutnya sebagai quota klasik betifikasi: Sebagai orang bertubuh besar di perusahaan Wall Street utama dan secara terbuka menyelaraskan diri dengan kandidat yang memanggil Untuk pembangunan tembok dan pembulatan imigran, seorang wanita terkenal yang melecehkan kontes kontes kecantikan dan pernah bercanda tentang berkencan dengan putrinya sendiri, akan menerima Grant yang sopan yang disebut x201Ca semacam keberanian moral. x201D Di tempat lain, xA0di sini Adalah Andrew Ross Sorkin pada metode aktivis-investor Trumpaposs untuk berurusan dengan perusahaan sebagai presiden. Dan Trump terus berbohong tentang memenangkan pemungutan suara. Orang-orang khawatir tentang unicorn. Seringkali bagian ini adalah tentang bagaimana orang khawatir bahwa valuasi perusahaan teknologi swasta terlalu tinggi, tapi saya merasa seperti hari-hari ini ada kekhawatiran yang lebih besar di Hutan Enchanted of UnicornsxA0Salah satu kekhawatiran utama di kalangan elit unicorn tampaknya adalah akhir dari dunia, Yang tampaknya sangat sulit bagi orang yang rabun jauh: Yishan Wong, seorang karyawan Facebook awal, adalah CEO Dari Reddit dari tahun 2012 sampai 2014. Dia juga menjalani operasi mata untuk tujuan bertahan hidup, menghilangkan ketergantungannya, seperti yang dia katakan, x201Mengambil bantuan luar yang tidak dapat diterima untuk mendapatkan penglihatan yang sempurna. x201D Dalam sebuah e-mail, Wong mengatakan kepada saya, x201CMost people only Anggap saja kejadian yang tidak mungkin terjadi, tapi orang-orang teknis cenderung memandang risiko dengan sangat matematis. x201D Dia melanjutkan, Perancang teknologi tidak perlu berpikir keruntuhan mungkin terjadi. Mereka menganggapnya sebagai peristiwa terpencil, tapi satu dengan kerugian yang sangat parah, jadi, mengingat berapa banyak uang yang mereka miliki, menghabiskan sebagian kecil dari kekayaan bersih mereka untuk melakukan lindung nilai terhadap hal ini.10A0.xA0. Adalah hal yang logis untuk dilakukan. Saya suka soal banding palsu terhadap matematika, seperti Wong telah menghitung probabilitas pasti keruntuhan sosial dan ekonomi, dan kerugian yang diharapkan tergantung pada keruntuhan itu, dan memutuskan bahwa hal itu membenarkan adanya operasi mata laser. Anda tidak akan mengerti kecuali Anda telah mengambil kelas dalam persamaan diferensial dan desain sistem operasi. Bagaimanapun, ada beberapa keberatan terhadap teknologi prepperism: Max Levchin, pendiri PayPal dan Teguh, sebuah startup pinjaman, mengatakan kepada saya, satu dari sedikit hal tentang Lembah Silikon bahwa saya secara aktif tidak menyukai perasaan bahwa kita adalah raksasa hebat yang memindahkan Jarum dan, bahkan jika itu kegagalan kita sendiri, harus dilepaskan. x201D Kepada Levchin, mempersiapkan diri untuk bertahan hidup adalah kesalahan perhitungan moral yang ia inginkan untuk melakukan percakapan pihak ketiga dengan topik ini. X201CI biasanya bertanya kepada orang-orang, x2018Jadi, Anda khawatir dengan garpu rumput. Berapa banyak uang yang telah Anda sumbangkan ke tempat penampungan tunawisma setempat2019x201D Berbicara tentang yang mana? Berikut adalah cerita tentang berapa banyak pengemudi Uber tidur di mobil mereka: Howard telah parkir dan tidur di 7-Eleven empat sampai lima malam seminggu sejak Maret 2015, Ketika dia mulai menyewa mobil dari Uber dan perlu bekerja lebih lama untuk melakukan pembayaran minimumnya. Setelah dingin, dia bangun setiap tiga jam untuk menyalakan pemanas. Hex2019s jarang sendiri. Hampir setiap malam, dua sampai tiga lainnya mengendarai sepeda yang tertidur di mobil yang diparkir di sampingnya. Itx2019s aman, katanya, dan para karyawan membiarkan pengemudi menggunakan kamar kecil. Aturan Mahkamah Agung Pemicu Brexit Membutuhkan Suara Parlementer. Aetnax2019s 37 Milyar Pengambilan Humana Diblokir oleh Hakim. Bank Berdiri Menurunkan Biaya jika Aetna-Humana Deal ambruk. Industri hedge fund mengakhiri 2016 dengan 3,02 triliun aset kelolaan global, melampaui angka 3 triliun untuk pertama kalinya karena kenaikan kinerja mengimbangi penarikan bersih. quot Setelah Chief Executive Exx2019s Exit. Millenniumx2019s Englander Kiri Lagi. Yahoo Melihat Kesepakatan Verizon Mengambil Lebih Lama dari yang Diharapkan. Debat Fed Lebih dari Neraca 4,5 Miliar di tahun 2017. Perombakan Uang-Uang Memberikan Pinjaman Pinjaman Federal Home Bank Baru. Pensiun Giant TIAA Rebrands Manajemen Aset karena Ini Mencari Investor Baru. Sebuah profil dari John dan Laura Arnold. Aturan struktur pasar dan catatan kaki. Statuta keterbatasan dan disgorgement. Di Wells Fargo, Cabang Bank Dilepas ke Inspeksi. Jaksa Prancis Melihat 22 Target di Panama Leaks Probe. Mantan Analis MSD Capital Ditangkap Setelah Melewati Ujian. Kapan Kewajiban Pidana Korporat untuk Perdagangan Orang Dalam Membuat Sense quotPemerintah Trump tidak mempercayai tidak ditunjuknya sendiri atau pendukungnya sendiri, dan menciptakan situasi di mana kurangnya kepercayaan itu timbal balik. quot Pekerjaan terbaik adalah ilmuwan data. Akan ada Klub Playboy di tengah kota Manhattan. ATM Mirror MontrxE9al Dicuri dalam Peramalan Malam Hari. Pelacak ular terkenal dari senjata terbaru India di perang Florida melawan ular piton. Pencuri busur Popok kuda. xA0 Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan formulir e-mail yang mudah, tepat di kotak masuk, Anda dapat berlangganan di tautan ini. Terima kasih xA0 Kolom ini tidak selalu mencerminkan pendapat dewan redaksi atau Bloomberg LP dan pemiliknya. Untuk menghubungi penulis cerita ini: Matt Levine at mlevine51bloomberg Untuk menghubungi editor yang bertanggung jawab atas cerita ini: James Greiff at jgreiffbloomberg Matt Levine adalah seorang kolumnis Bloomberg View. Dia adalah seorang editor Dealbreaker, seorang bankir investasi di Goldman Sachs, pengacara merger dan akuisisi di Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen amp Katz dan seorang juru tulis untuk Pengadilan Banding A. S. untuk Sirkuit Ketiga. Baca lebih lanjut Most Popular Lihat ContributorsStory of the Day: Bos pub dan restoran menyoroti tingkat bisnis yang tidak adil Total 28 eksekutif kepala perusahaan pub dan restoran telah menandatangani surat bersama kepada Daily Telegraph yang mengkritik tingkat kenaikan bisnis yang besar yang dihadapi sektor ini. Sebuah kampanye yang menyoroti ketidakadilan kenaikan tersebut dipelopori oleh ALMR, yang CEO Kate Nicholls telah muncul dua kali dalam program Radio Fours Today dalam seminggu terakhir membicarakan masalah tersebut. Penandatangan surat tersebut termasuk bos YO Sushi, Azzurri Group, Carluccios, Mitchells amp Butler, Wagamama, Stonegate Pub Company dan Casual Dining Group. Surat tersebut menyatakan: Pub dan restoran adalah jaringan sosial asli, namun kami adalah satu-satunya sektor bisnis yang menghadapi kenaikan tingkat bisnis besar di setiap wilayah Inggris. Kami tahu bahwa pemerintah akan memperoleh 1 miliar lebih banyak dari tingkat bisnis setelah April dengan setengah dari ini berasal dari bisnis makan dan minum dan akan mensubsidi pemotongan pajak untuk bisnis online. Strategi industri pemerintah baru-baru ini bertujuan untuk membantu bisnis memulai dan berkembang di seluruh negeri, menyeimbangkan kembali pertumbuhan di seluruh wilayah, namun kenaikan tingkat layanan pub dan restoran melemahkan strategi tersebut bahkan sebelum diterapkan. Sektor kita benar-benar regional, dan sangat baik ditempatkan untuk memberikan pertumbuhan nasional, menciptakan lapangan kerja dan meningkatkan regenerasi di sekitar Inggris. Makan dan minum senilai 60 miliar, langsung mempekerjakan 1,5 juta orang, dan 80 sektornya terdiri dari usaha kecil dan menengah. Kami telah memberikan kontribusi lebih dari 18 miliar pajak dan menanggung beban bisnis yang tidak proporsional. Perubahan yang diusulkan akan meningkatkan disparitas sebesar 500 juta, memukul pekerjaan dan menghentikan investasi. Penciptaan pekerjaan melalui pertumbuhan strategis adalah katalis bagi ekonomi yang sesuai untuk semua orang. Jika pemerintah ingin mencapai tujuan ini, maka perlu didukung industri kita, bukan menghukum kesuksesan. Bantuan tingkat segera untuk pub dan restoran yang serupa dengan 60 juta yang baru-baru ini diberikan kepada pemasok broadband akan memberikan bantuan nyata pada saat kritis ini dan mengirim pesan positif ke industri. Tingkat kenaikan harga pemerintah Inggris naik untuk sektor perhotelan Sekitar 8.500 pub, restoran dan hotel di Skotlandia akan mengalami kenaikan tingkat bisnis mereka yang ditutup pada 12,5 menyusul demonstrasi ke Pemerintah Skotlandia, sekretaris keuangan telah mengumumkan. Derek Mackay membuat pengumuman di Holyrood menyusul tekanan yang terus berlanjut dari kelompok bisnis mengenai kenaikan tingkat yang diusulkan. Tiga dari sepuluh bisnis di Skotlandia menghadapi kenaikan suku bunga mereka setelah revaluasi pertama sejak 2010. Revaluasi akan dilakukan pada tahun 2012 namun ditunda oleh Pemerintah Skotlandia. Beberapa perusahaan menghadapi kenaikan lebih dari 100. Mackay mengatakan: Ini adalah revaluasi tingkat bisnis pertama sejak 2010 dan memperhitungkan perubahan nilai properti selama pemulihan ekonomi. Hal ini dilakukan oleh penilai independen yang ditunjuk oleh pemerintah daerah. Meskipun dewan memegang semua pendapatan dari tingkat bisnis dan memiliki kekuatan untuk menawarkan pengurangan tarif, telah menjadi jelas bahwa ada beberapa sektor dan wilayah di mana kenaikan nilai suku bunga tidak sesuai dengan gambaran revaluasi yang lebih luas. Saya telah mendengarkan dan memutuskan bahwa kita akan bertindak secara nasional untuk mengatasi dampaknya. Bisnis perhotelan, seperti hotel dan pub, di seluruh Skotlandia akan meningkat tidak lebih dari 12,5, menyadari kekhawatiran yang telah saya hadapi mengenai skala kenaikan dan metodologi penilaian yang membedakan mereka dari sektor lain. Selain itu kantor di Aberdeen dan Aberdeenshire akan melihat kenaikan yang ditutup pada 12,5 sebagai pengakuan atas pengaruh penurunan harga minyak terhadap ekonomi lokal. Berita Lainnya: Inflasi Foodservice mencapai 2,9 pada Januari Rendahnya pasokan dan kenaikan biaya item utama termasuk sayuran, gula, minyak dan lemak dan minuman panas telah menyebabkan kenaikan 2,9 pada harga jasa makanan pada bulan Januari 2017 dibandingkan dengan awal tahun 2016. Itulah Tajuk utama dari Indeks Harga Jasa Pangan edisi terbaru dari Pembelian Prestige dan Strategi CGA. Ini terus merupakan tren kenaikan harga jasa makanan grosir, dan memperlebar kesenjangan antara inflasi di sektor dan inflasi sisi konsumen yang diukur oleh Indeks Harga Konsumen. Kenaikan biaya minyak dan pound lemah telah menambah tekanan pada harga di seluruh rantai pasokan pada tahun lalu. Inflasi harga foodservice didorong pada bulan Januari oleh kenaikan harga sayuran yang dramatis, yang naik sebesar 10,4 dibandingkan dengan Januari 2016. Kenaikan tersebut merupakan konsekuensi dari kondisi cuaca buruk di seluruh Eropa yang telah mengurangi pasokan banyak barang biasa termasuk daun salad Dan cukini. Itu telah mendorong liputan media yang meluas mengenai krisis pasokan banyak sayuran, yang mendorong bahkan supermarket untuk jatah atau menarik barang-barang di mana stok terbatas. Inflasi juga terlihat pada minyak dan lemak, di mana harga 9,5 lebih tinggi dari tahun lalu, sebagian karena pasokan minyak sawit rendah. Harga gula dan produk terkait naik 4,9 tahun ke tahun berkat turunnya ekspor dari pasar utama dan kontrak harga minimum yang diperkenalkan ke pasar oleh bisnis di industri gula. Harga kopi telah melonjak dengan margin yang sama karena permintaan terus melampaui pasokan di seluruh dunia, sementara harga teh telah terkena kekeringan di Kenya. Tapi Food Price Price Index juga mengungkapkan beberapa alasan mengapa optimisme mengenai harga di sektor ini seperti yang dipakainya 2017. Produksi dalam negeri akan mulai menendang segera dan harus mengurangi ketergantungan pada impor yang lebih mahal, dan ada bukti bahwa harga mentega mulai turun dalam beberapa minggu terakhir. Ada juga bantuan dalam kategori susu, keju dan telur, di mana harga turun 1,3 pada bulan Januari dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya meskipun produksi domestik berkurang dan kenaikan harga gerbang pertanian untuk susu dapat segera mengakhiri tren penurunan ini. Christopher Clare, head of consulting and insight at Prestige Purchasing, said: What we are seeing in this months Foodservice Price Index figures is the pass-through of sharp increases in the commodity prices of many imported salad products and vegetables. Whether it reflects the full extent of the increases remains to be seen, and next months figures will be key. Phil Tate, chief executive of CGA Strategy, said: The latest edition of our Foodservice Price Index shows that pressure on pricing continues to mount. The broad range of categories facing inflation is a cause for concern, and it makes the need for resourceful purchasing strategies and careful price monitoring all the more apparent. The Foodservice Price Index is jointly produced by Prestige Purchasing and CGA Strategy, using data drawn from over 50 of the foodservice market and around 7.8m transactions per month. More information on specific categories is available on a subscription basis. Hotel Chocolat reports progress as it grows cafe estate Hotel Chocolat has reported it now has ten shops plus cafe sites, giving it the opportunity to flex its customer offer for each catchment. Sales grew 14 to 62.5m in the 26 weeks ended 25 December 2016. Profit before tax was up 28 to 11.2m and underlying Ebitda was up 27 to 13.7m. Angus Thirlwell, co-founder and chief executive of Hotel Chocolat, said: This has been another period of good progress for Hotel Chocolat with strong growth in both sales and profitability. The critical Christmas period was very successful, helped by good availability, popular and innovative new ranges and significantly increased digital transactions. We have strong plans in place for the key spring seasons of Mothers Day and Easter and are confident of further progress. I am pleased to report continued progress for the Hotel Chocolat brand during the 26 weeks to 25 December 2016. Revenue in the period grew by 14 (12 on a proforma basis) and profit before tax for the period increased by 28. Hotel Chocolat delivered growth across all channels, benefitting from improved seasonal ranges including new gift hampers, which encouraged customers to trade up to higher price points. The business remains focused on the three key pillars of its growth strategy: We opened ten new stores in the period and completed one relocation. Of the new stores, seven included variations of our Hot Chocolat-led cafe offer. The modular design of the cafe allows us to tailor the offer to the site and the catchment for example our new store at Euston station includes a takeaway-only cafe, whereas our new store in Worcester includes 50 seats and a separate space for tasting experiences. The group also signed a further lease on a 1,500 sq ft unit in a prime location on Buchanan Street in Glasgow, which will open later in 2017.Significant capital investments at our factory were completed in September, on time and on budget, this increased manufacturing capacity by 20. This increase enabled the group to produce more stock and thus maintain strong availability right up to the end of the Christmas season. Improved efficiency supported a gross margin increase of 0.6 percentage points. Digital revenues, comprising website plus subscription club, grew 11 overall. The website delivered a 23 year-on-year growth driven by a strong increase in customer numbers and increased average transaction value. A new website launched in January 2017 and initial indications are encouraging with mobile conversion increasing significantly, the new site is faster and dwell time has also increased. Subscription club sales declined 6, while operating profit increased. New customer recruitment activities into the club have been scaled back whilst the model is being improved and reformed around the new website, which launched in January 2017. The next phase of the Tasting Club evolution will improve the online customer experience and integrate product despatch into the central distribution centre, rather than outsource. A new subscription clubs team is now in place to add focus and drive behind this important channel, with good growth opportunities ahead. This is the first reporting period for which Hotel Chocolat Estates Limited, Saint Lucia (HCESL) was part of the group for the full period. Development of a new visitor attraction is progressing well and expected to open in 2018. The group has a Cocoa Spa in Saint Lucia and also sells a range of Cocoa Beauty products. Currently these products represent less than 1 of total sales. The group has entered into a joint venture with its chairman Andrew Gerrie to further develop and grow this category. The group owns 30 of the venture Rabot 1745 Limited and Andrew Gerrie holds 49, with the balance held by other parties. It is envisaged that the venture will operate as a low cost start-up, with the goal of developing an enhanced beauty product range with a view to growth in the medium to long term. Since the end of the period, trading has continued in line with expectations. The plans for the key Mothers Day and Easter seasons build upon the successes of Christmas, including improved gifts and childrens ranges. The pipeline for new stores is encouraging with the new formats providing increased flexibility to adapt to different locations. We are in the process of finalising our next set of capacity and capability investments for our production facility in order to ensure we can both meet our growth aspirations and improve efficiency in the years ahead. The transition to the new website happened on time and now provides us with exciting growth potential. The headwinds facing all retailers in the UK are widely projected to drive input cost inflation, however the group seeks to mitigate these headwinds through a combination of vertical integration, UK-based manufacturing, and currency hedging. A strong differentiated brand that offers great products and customer service, priced as an affordable luxury also provides further mitigation, giving the board confidence in the groups continued progress. Entries for beer and cider awards leap 25 Entries to the International Brewing amp Cider Awards 2017 have leapt by 15 on the previous competition, held in 2015. This years total is comfortably past the 1,100 mark, with ciders up by 30 on 2015, beers up by 12, and entries received from 50 countries. Brewers and cider makers are now sending their products draught and smallpack to Burton-on-Trent, where judging takes place on 7-9 March. Medal winners are announced on 10 March, and the Championship winners in ten categories are announced at a presentation luncheon in April. Ruth Evans, director of competition organisers Brewing Technology Services (BTS), said: Its good to see entries to our Awards take this impressive upwards step, in terms of total number, geographical reach and appeal across all sectors, from regional microbrewers and artisan cider-makers right up to multi-nationals. We also received entries from many producers and brand owners who havent taken part in the competition before, which reflects the excellent reputation that the Awards have built among the global brewing and cider making communities. Were especially pleased with the increase in cider entries. We reintroduced cider to the Awards in 2013, after an absence of some decades, and cider makers have been keen to take part. Ours is now, we believe, the most international of all the cider competitions held around the world. The three new classes we introduced to the beer competition elicited a lot of interest, endorsing our belief that there was a need to showcase these new, emerging styles. The new beer classes were: sour beer, zero gluten beer and extra strong beer (ABV of 10 and above), while the cider competition includes two new classes of flavoured ciderperry or pear cider: one for fruit flavoured cider and one for ciders flavoured with other ingredients. In addition, a new speciality ciders class accommodates ciders made using innovative or atypical process, such as ice cider, barrel-aged cider or apple win. The new classes were added to ensure the Awards are always up to date, reflecting current market trends and product innovation as well as brewing and cider making traditions. Judging for the 2017 Awards takes place from 7-9 March in Burton-on-Trent. The competition is unique in requiring that only working brewers and cider makers may join the judging panel. This criteria and the depth of experience of the panel, combined with a double blind system for judging and the consensus approach to assessing the entries, has given the competition a reputation for a robust and fair judging process. The overall championship winners in 10 categories are unveiled at a presentation ceremony held at Londons Guildhall on 26 April which is attended by medal winners and others from the global brewing and cider industries. BII boss government needs to rethink business rates valuation system to give high streets chance of survival, Wetherspoon pub faces 321 rise British Institute of Innkeeping chief executive Mike Clist has said the government needs to rethink the business rates valuation system to give high streets a chance of survival. Clist highlighted his home town of Aldershot in Hampshire as just one example where business rates were crippling licensed premises. He cited the example of JD Wetherspoon, which recently opened a pub in the town centre but is set to see its business rates jump 321 under the new valuation from 30,000 to 126,500. The Restaurant Group has also opened a Frankie amp Bennys in the towns new Westgate Centre and faces an 18 rise in rates from 76,000 to 89,500. Meanwhile, online businesses such as Amazon are set to see their rates fall. Clist said: Pubs pay nearly 500m more than they would if they were rated on a level commensurate with Amazon. You will hear ministers say 75 of business rates will not change but many are already higher than they should be, with the remaining 25 financing the 1bn in extra rates expected from this 2017 revaluation especially in cities and the south. The rating system of this country is close to being broken. As local shopping centres across the country continue to fail, the government needs to realise you cannot make up for those losses by constantly upping the amount remaining businesses pay. It is time to look at ratings again and adjust them so the online retailers, which turn over millions of pounds, pay the rates they should and local businesses are given a chance to survive. The momentum for change is growing newspapers, MPs and ministers are speaking out on this issue. Please join the campaign now by writing to your MP today and become someone like me, just a local lad who wants to save his town, his shops and, most of all, his pubs. London Evening Standard launches Britains biggest food festival The London Evening Standard will launch Britains biggest food festival this summer to celebrate Londons status as the worlds leading culinary destination. London Evening Standard Food Month will see hundreds of events take place in June across the capital, reflecting the scores of gastronomic traditions from around the world represented on the streets of London. The events centrepiece will be the Night Market, an outdoor dining experience in a London park inspired by the street food scene. It will run for 12 evenings from 7 June and feature up to 50 restaurants, food trucks and bars, as well as live entertainment. Full details, including the venue and ticket sales, will be announced in April. London Food Month will also promote awareness of food waste and hunger in tandem with charity partner The Felix Project. The programme is being drawn up by the festivals creative directors food writers Grace Dent and Tom Parker Bowles. Jason Atherton, the Michelin-starred owner of restaurants such as Pollen Street Social, said: I regularly cook in five different continents but London is definitely leading the way. We are so lucky to have easy access to incredible ingredients from Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and the south of England, as well as our neighbours in Europe. We have the best larder anywhere and it puts us ahead of the game. Londons food scene has boomed over the past 25 years, going from a gastronomic wasteland to the world leader it is now. Four-fifths of loyal customers very or extremely likely to revisit foodservice brands Four-fifths of consumers who consider themselves loyal are very or extremely likely to revisit a foodservice brand, according to new research. The Big Data What is It report from hospitality management solutions company Zonal Retail Data Systems and CGA Peach looked at consumers behaviours, preferences and how they engage with brands when eating and drinking out. The report also revealed customers who feel valued are three times more likely to return to a foodservice brand time and again. But trust is still an issue for operators, with almost a quarter of 18 to 34-year-olds surveyed citing lack of trust as the biggest barrier to engaging with a brand. Gaining their trust is therefore essential as 72 are ready to engage with and share their data in return for instant offers. Meanwhile, 69 of guests cite speed of service as the biggest frustration when eating out. CGA retail business unit director Jamie Campbell said: Loyalty is always a hot topic within the eating and drinking out market, but current market conditions and the fight for share of spend mean its more important than ever. From a consumer perspective, loyalty is often perceived as an emotional factor but the reality for operators is we want them to keep coming back, which is something far more behaviourally driven. Meanwhile, operators have been reminded of the importance of using the data they capture effectively. Zonal chief executive Stuart McLean said: To analyse customer basket data from every aspect of their journey from booking online to ordering, payment and feedback technology integration is essential. With ever-increasing volumes and sources of data, successful companies will be those that harvest the data to gain the insight they need to make better decisions on their business strategies. Investing in technology in isolation is not sustainable its operators with a clear strategy that will reap the benefits. Taking an integrated approach is key and that is something that we understand at Zonal. SIBA appoints Brecon Brewing owner Buster Grant as chairman The Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) has appointed Buster Grant, owner and head brewer of Brecon Brewing in Wales, as its new chairman. Grant will take the chair for the first time at SIBAs annual general meeting on Thursday, 16 March during its BeerX event in Sheffield. The new chairman will work closely with SIBA managing director Mike Benner and Justin Hawke, of Moor Beer Co, who has been elected SIBAs new vice-chairman. Current chairman, Exe Valley Brewerys Guy Sheppard, is stepping down at the end of his maximum three-year term. Grant has more than 16 years experience in the brewing industry and has been heavily involved in SIBA since his first election to the board in 2008 and again in 2012. He joined SIBAs executive board last year. American-born Hawke trained as a brewer in San Francisco before taking over the then-defunct Moor Beer Co in Bristol in 2007. Benner said: Buster brings with him a wealth of experience and has for many years been a strong voice on behalf of SIBAs brewing members. Together we will present SIBAs 2020 Vision at the AGM in Sheffield, setting out how we will help members thrive in a challenging marketplace with a positive and hard-hitting response. Grant added: The reputed curse of may you live in interesting times has never seemed truer, with a number of threats and opportunities facing our industry. However, I see mostly opportunities and Im delighted to be working with Mike and the team towards a goal of a more professional industry, with a real focus on quality products, sustainable business and fair access to market for all our members, whatever their size. Joe Allen to host AIR breakfast briefing The Alliance of Independent Restaurants (AIR) will hold a breakfast briefing on Wednesday, 1 March at renowned Covent Garden restaurant Joe Allen (pictured) to outline its future plans. AIR has been set up to provide a forum and support network for owners and operators of independent restaurants. The breakfast meeting will include announcements on AIRs growth plans for 2017 and beyond as well as a panel discussion on what it means to be an independent restaurant or hospitality business and issues threatening the sector. AIRs programme of events will also be announced at the event, including dates for networking meetings, workshops and supper clubs. The panel will be chaired by Joe Allen co-owner Tim Healy. He said: I think AIR is exactly what independent restaurants need. This breakfast is an opportunity for us all to share our expertise to build a better independent restaurant sector especially with the unique challenges the restaurant sector faces in the year ahead. The breakfast briefing will begin at 9am. London-based frozen yogurt company Sloane Bros extends 150,000 crowdfunding campaign London-based frozen yogurt company Sloane Bros has extended its 150,000 fund-raise on crowdfunding platform Crowdcube due to ongoing conversations with investors. The company, founded by Joe Chakra, is offering a 7.5 equity stake in return for the investment as it looks to open outlets in shopping centres across the UK as well as overseas franchises. So far, it has raised 77,030 from 130 investors. The largest investment to date is 20,000. The company said: Due to ongoing discussions with investors, the Sloane Bros campaign has been extended for two weeks and will now expire at midnight on 8 March. Sloane Bros opened its first shop in Brick Lane, east London, in June 2015, followed by its second in Nottingham in August 2016 at the Intu Victoria shopping centre. The pitch states: The funds from this round will be used to secure new UK locations and to launch the business-to-business packaged products business, as well as set up the franchising infrastructure. We believe the company would represent an excellent acquisition opportunity by adding a product line extension to several strategic acquirers, which would be more likely to provide better returns to the companys shareholders than a listing or private equity sale. However the company would, of course, entertain all approaches. Earlier this year, Chakra told Propel the company was looking to build a 16-strong UK estate in the next five years. Hawksmoor opens seventh London site, in Borough High-end steak brand Hawksmoor has opened its seventh London site and eighth overall, in Borough. The 144-cover venue in Winchester Walk (pictured) is in a Victorian former hops warehouse and features original timber beams and brickwork. The downstairs, 14-cover Cooks Room features its own kitchen, where Hawksmoors chefs test new dishes during the day while at night it turns into a private dining space offering a special menu featuring Borough Market produce. The main restaurant also features a weekly market specials menu, using ingredients from Borough Market. The location is particularly close to the hearts of Hawksmoor co-founders Will Beckett and Huw Gott as they built the brand on having close relationships with their suppliers. Many are located in Borough or nearby Bermondsey, including The Ginger Pig butcher. Gott told Hot Dinners: We have always dreamed of opening a restaurant in the area. Theres something really special about being on our suppliers doorsteps and, as Borough was such an influence on us in the early days, it feels like ten years later we are coming home. The other Hawksmoor sites are in Air Street, Guildhall, Knightsbridge, Seven Dials and two in Shoreditch, plus a regional site in Manchester. JD Wetherspoon to invest 2.35m in expanding Norwich pub JD Wetherspoon is to invest 2.35m in the Bell Hotel in Norwich. The venue will close for a 16-week refurbishment on Sunday (26 February), with the site being extended above the Santander bank next door. While the work is ongoing, Wetherspoon staff will work at the companys other branches in the city. The refurbishment will result in an additional 1,500 square feet of space. The garden is also being extended and a new kitchen, toilets and bar will be installed. Wetherspoon spokesman Eddie Gershon said: The Bell Hotel was our first pub to open in Norwich and continues to be extremely popular. We are committed to giving our customers the best pub possible and, as a result, we are carrying out the extension and refurbishment. We apologise to our customers that the pub will be shut for a number of weeks. However, we are confident they will welcome the new-look pub. Coaching Inn Group to start 1m transformation of Yorkshire hotel into Eatery and Coffee House concept Independent coaching inns operator Coaching Inn Group is set to start the 1m transformation of The Golden Fleece hotel in Thirsk, North Yorkshire. The property, which is one of the oldest coaching inns in England and dates to Tudor times, will close for 11 weeks from Monday, 6 March. The development programme will convert the venue into Coaching Inn Groups Eatery and Coffee House concept, with works including the refurbishment of the hotels restaurant, bar and accommodation. The Golden Fleece was acquired by Coaching Inn Group in a 5m double acquisition from Homfray Hotels in 2015, which also included The Feathers in Helmsley. Golden Fleece hotel manager Neil Doogan told BDaily: As a much-loved, iconic local landmark, we wanted to maximise our prime location to ensure we are known as the go-to place in Thirsk for family friendly, relaxed all-day dining. The next 11 weeks will see major work conducted on the property to breathe a new lease of life into the historic coaching inn, while maintaining its Tudor architecture. The plans look fantastic and were excited to be introducing our Eatery and Coffee House concept, which will see the addition of locally sourced produce, contemporary twists on traditional favourites, plus our popular sharing menu. Coaching Inn Group will launch a recruitment drive in April to appoint additional staff for the hotel. Punch launches digital ordering platform that combines Buying Club with call centre Punch publicans can stock up using a new e-commerce platform that has given the pubco a single view of customers across its sales channels. The Punch Buying Club website and call centre have been replaced by a single digital platform for staff to buy supplies. Commerce consultancy Salmon has effectively given Punch one website with two front ends one for clients and one for call centre representatives. Customers can log on to the new system from any device, while integration of the DataCash gateway has enabled secure multichannel payment processing. Customers have a personalised view of their account, outlet and deliveries and can book depot collections. Punch head of infrastructure and service delivery David Moulton-Bark told Internet Retailing: Our aim was to enhance the multichannel experience for our publicans across devices and implement a more manageable system across the business. With our new bespoke Order Management System, which is co-ordinating our customers experience across sales and fulfilment channels, we are managing our omnichannel operations far more effectively. Salmons best-in-class service will be a game changer. Northcote Leisure Group launches apprentice restaurant series Northcote Leisure Group is launching an apprentice restaurant series at its Cafe Northcote site in Blackburn. The companys up-and-coming talent will showcase their skills during six pop-up evenings spread over three months. From the chefs to the front-of-house team, the project is entirely apprentice-led, offering the insight and experience of running a kitchen and restaurant by organising, managing and delivering the series of events themselves. Co-owner Nigel Haworth said: Its a fantastic opportunity for the apprentices to show their enterprise and talents. They are controlling everything and will focus on the complexities of making the food, service and ambience special. The cooking, marketing and service is all down to them and Im sure theyre going to put everything into the nights to make them a great experience for the diners and themselves. Each evening will consist of a bespoke five-course menu plus coffee with the option of a matched beer or gin flight created by Northcote sommelier Alexandros Kitsos. Proceeds from each event will go towards the BKs Heroes, Blackburn Nightsafe and Blackburn Youth Zone charities. The first two evenings will take place next month, with the other weekend events in April and May. Patisserie Valerie to open Lichfield site Patisserie Valerie, the company that has sector investor Luke Johnson as executive chairman, is to open a site in Lichfield, Staffordshire. The company has secured a site at the new Friarsgate development in the town. It will join Bistrot Pierre, the restaurant group backed by private equity firm Livingbridge, PizzaExpress, Azzurri group-owned Zizzi and Birmingham-based Handmade Burger Company, which have all previously agreed sites at the development. In total, Friarsgate is expected to bring between eight and ten restaurants, 20 shops, 82 apartments and 11 townhouses to the city centre. Richard Upton, deputy chief executive of developer UI, told the Lichfield Mercury: It is an exciting time for Lichfield and I am confident our investment will generate jobs and growth for the area, which has always been a key objective for the Friarsgate development. Patisserie Valerie, launched in 1926 in Soho by Belgian-born Madame Valerie, has more than 115 sites across the UK. Innis amp Gunn signs China distribution deal Scottish brewer and retailer Innis amp Gunn has signed a deal to distribute its beer to the on and off-trade in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. The distribution deal with Dxcel International will focus on Innis amp Gunns flagship ale Original and Ossian, a golden ale by Inveralmond Brewery, which was bought by Innis amp Gunn in April last year. The China deal will see Dxcel International utilise its vast network of premium bars and restaurants and premium off-trade, including hotel chains and supermarket groups. Dxcel International also operates an estate of Tap House pubs and Deans Bottle Shops in major Chinese cities such as Shanghai and Shenzhen. Innis amp Gunn will enlist Shanghai-based Scotsman Alan Hepburn to work alongside Dxcel International in supporting its sales and marketing plans. Innis amp Gunn founder and master brewer Dougal Gunn Sharp said: Exports have always been very important to us since we started 13 years ago. Weve seen our products do exceedingly well in Canada, the US and Sweden and we thought it was about time we headed into the largest beer market in the world. China excites us not only because of its size, but also its growing passion and thirst for great craft beer. In Dxcel International, we have found partners with not only the network to distribute beer, but tremendous insight on consumer tastes and a joint passion on educating and informing consumers about the breadth of what great beer is and can be. The deal follows Innis amp Gunns campaign on crowdfunding platform Crowdcube, which raised 2.5m to fund the roll-out of its Beer Kitchen brand and double its turnover to 25m during the next three years. East Sussex-based Harveys launches canned beer range to open up whole new market: East Sussex-based brewer and retailer Harveys has launched a canned range of beers as it looks to open up a whole new market. The company, based in Lewes, started using cans after being asked to supply beer for the British Airways i360, a 450-foot viewing pod in Brighton. Harveys spokesman Bob Trimm said: With our new branding on the cans it created a whole new market for us, with a younger demographic clearly attracted to our beer some of whom told us they would never have tried it if theyd only come across it in cask. We believe cans give us the opportunity to engage with a demographic and a route to market that would not have considered us as solely a cask ale producer. Weve had interest from companies that supply cruise ships and airlines and were also talking to restaurants and hotels. These are all conversations we couldnt have had with cask ale. Laine Pub Company reports turnover and Ebitda growth Multiple pub operator and brewer The Laine Pub Company has reported turnover up more than 10 and operating Ebitda up more than 23 for the financial year to 30 June 2016. The group, which operates 48 pubs in the London and Brighton areas and which brews from four on-site microbreweries plus a full production brewery in central Sussex, saw Ebitda rise to 3.9m on turnover of 30.4m, up from Ebitda of 3.1m on sales of 27.5m the previous year. The company stated that performance was particularly pleasing in the London estate where sales were up nearly 45. It said that like-for-like Ebitda in London had also grown significantly showing the strength and quality of sites acquired in prior years, particularly the Four Thieves in Battersea and the Peoples Park Tavern in Hackney which are both showing very strong growth. Performance was positive in the Brighton pub estate with sales and Ebitda up nearly 5 and 7 respectively. The company reported that this would have been even greater but for the major roadworks on Brighton seafront that impacted high season trading at two of its busiest sites, Tempest and the Fortune of War. Commenting on the 2016 results, chairman Gary Pettet said: We are very pleased with the performance of the business in 2016 and are excited about the pipeline of London acquisitions we are considering for 2017. We have had a strong start to FY17 and believe we will further enhance this growth through acquisitions in the second half of the year. Laines first-half performance in FY17 has shown a higher growth rate than the same period in the previous year, with sales up 15 for the six months to 31 December 16. Commenting on the performance, chief executive Gavin George (pictured) said: A good summer and an excellent Christmas have helped us exceed expectations in the first half of our financial year. Rail journeys into and out of Brighton became more challenging over the period but Laines like-for-like sales for the half year remained nearly 10 up. The same six-month period also saw the opening of the Ladywell Tavern in Lewisham (Laines first managed expert site with Enterprise Inns), the acquisition of the Honor Oak pub in Forest Hill, south east London, and the launch of a new craft beer portfolio under the Laine Brew Co business. The core range, which includes Source Pale Ale and Ripper IPA, are the first beers to be brewed at Laine Brew Cos new 65 hectolitre facility in Adversane, Sussex. Deltic Group appoints new finance director The Deltic Group, the UKs largest operator of premium late-night bars and clubs, has appointed Alex Millington as group finance director. Millington has been with Deltic since 2013 he joined the group as the head of finance and was responsible for the management of the 18-strong finance department. In his new role, his remit is extended to include the oversight of the property, procurement, payroll and IT functions as well as greater involvement in the implementation and design of group strategy. He has over 15 years experience, with a number of senior roles including financial controller at European speciality packaging and envelope manufacturer Bong UK and financial analyst for Rapak, a subsidiary of DS Smith, the international packaging group. Peter Marks, chief executive of The Deltic Group, said: After a long and careful selection process, we are delighted to announce the appointment of Alex as group finance director. He has a fantastic range of skills and experience. We are confident that he will continue to make a valuable contribution to Deltic and I look forward to working with him. Millington added: I look forward to working with the executive team and the board as we continue to drive the business forward. DampD London strengthens management team with three new directors Restaurant group DampD London has strengthened its management team ahead of its planned expansion with the appointment of three new directors. Sarah Jackson has joined as people director to lead DampDs global HR strategy. She was previously at the Maybourne Hotel Group, where she was group HR director. Prior to that role, Jackson held HR director positions in the luxury retail sector for various brands, including de Beers (part of LVMH) and Links of London. Michael Farquhar has joined as operations director, a new role within DampD with the responsibility of managing all UK operations. He was previously global operations director at C La Vi Group in Singapore, where he led the operations team. Farquhar has also had extensive food and beverage experience in the hotel sector including spells at Four Seasons and Intercontinental. Meanwhile, Paul OShaughnessy has been appointed purchasing director. He has joined from Harrods where, as purchasing director, he led the buying strategy for its restaurants and retail business. Previously OShaughnessy held a number of senior purchasing roles within various major retail and restaurant groups, including Safeway, Whitbread and BHS. All three directors will report into chief operating officer Toby Harris. Chairman and chief executive Des Gunewardena said: These appointments have been made to further strengthen DampDs management team ahead of some significant expansion planned for 2017 and beyond. With five new restaurant launches confirmed for 2017 and a number of others in the pipeline, we are very positive about the prospects for DampDs business in the UK and overseas. Be At One on the market with 60m price tag Cocktail bar business Be At One, set up by three former TGI Fridays bartenders and 32 owned by Piper Private Equity, has been put up for sale for up to 60 million, The Times has reported. The company, which runs sites that offer a choice of 190 cocktails and no food, is reported to have hired AlixPartners to handle a formal sale. According to Debtwire, which covers the leveraged finance sector, AlixPartners approached potential debt providers to assess appetite for the business before deciding to press ahead with a formal sale valuing the business at between 55m and 60m. Founders Steve Locke, Rhys Oldfield and Leigh Miller, funded the opening of their first Be At One bar in Battersea, south London, in 1998 with car loans and credit cards. Of its 31 bars, 17 are in London, with further sites in Bat, Brighton, Birmingham, Cardiff, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Oxford and Sheffield. In its most recent year to 27 March 2016, turnover increased by 32 to 29.8m with group Ebitda up 42 to 4.7m and store adjusted Ebitda up 30 to 7.5m. Piper paid 8m for its 32 stake in Be At One in 2011. Richoux Group hires Simon Morgan as non-executive chairman Richoux Group has announced the appointment of Simon Morgan as non-executive chairman with immediate effect. At the same time, Philip Shotter has resigned as non-executive chairman. The company stated: The board would like to thank Mr Shotter for his service to the company. Simon David Morgan, aged 53, is currently a partner at Olswang. Mr Morgan is also a director of 34 Boscombe Road Freehold Ltd and New Notes amp Noises Limited. There are no other matters that are required to be disclosed under Schedule two paragraph (g) of the AIM Rules in relation to the appointment of Mr Morgan. Everyman Media secures Stratford site Everyman Media has confirmed that the previously announced venue in Stratford-upon-Avon has now become unconditional. It is expected that the new four screen site will open in the second quarter of 2017. The lease for the site is 25 years and the annual rent is 185,880 per annum. The landlord of the Stratford-upon-Avon site is Blue Coast Stratford. Blue Coast Stratford and Blue Coast Private Equity, who owns 19.1. of the company, are companies within the same group. Michael Rosehill, a non-executive director of the company, is a director of both entities. The company stated: Due to Mr Rosehill, as a director, and Blue Coast Private Equity L. P, as a substantial shareholder, being connected with Blue Coast Stratford LLP, the lease arrangement at the venue in Stratford-upon-Avon is considered to be a related party transaction under the AIM Rules. The directors of the company consider the terms of the lease to be on commercial terms. Furthermore, the directors of the company, other than Michael Rosehill, having consulted the companys nominated advisor Cenkos Securities, consider the terms of the lease to be fair and reasonable insofar as the companys shareholders are concerned. Social platform that helps nightclubs and bars fill their venues closes crowdfunding campaign after raising more than 103,000 Licklist, a social platform that helps nightclubs and bars fill their venue, has closed its fund-raise on crowdfunding platform Seedrs having raised more than 103,000. The company, co-founded by Brad Nobbs and Ian Hope, was offering a 7.58 equity stake as it looked to raise 100,000 to expand its operation. It has now closed the campaign having raised 103,288. The pitch stated: Licklist is a pioneering social platform integrated with an international directory of nightclubs, bars and music festivals. We solve a two-fold problem. For 18 to 30-year-olds we provide a 360-degree solution to organising the perfect night out. For nightclubs and bars we provide innovative tools to fill a venue both cost-effectively and efficiently. With the funding in place we will assemble a sales team spearheaded by former Time Out chief commercial officer Kimberley OHara. The funds will allow us to build a sales operation that introduces venues not only in the UK but in Europe to the Licklist solution. We align ourselves with the likes of TripAdvisor, which dominates the market for hotel reviews, and Just Eat, which does the same for takeaway restaurants. Were looking to do the same and dominate the market for nightlife and establish Licklist as the only brand people want to be associated with. Marco Pierre White franchised estate to hit 40 sites this year, opening in Swindon next month Marco Pierre Whites franchised restaurant company Black and White Hospitality is to open a Bardolino Pizzeria Bellini amp Espresso Bar in Swindon next month following openings in Bristol and Birmingham. The celebrity chefs franchised estate is set to hit 40 sites this year, with a total of seven due to open in 2017. The new 80-cover restaurant will be in Wood Street at the site of former The Old Bank restaurant. Manni Madhani will operate Bardolino under licence from Black and White Hospitality and will also manage The Bank bars, which are located on the first and second floors of the building. White said: Bardolino represents affordable, friendly and casual dining with authentic recognisable Italian dishes. After months of planning for the opening, Im very much looking forward to opening the doors and offering a real taste of Italy to Swindon diners. Nick Taplin, chief executive of Black and White Hospitality, added: Marco and I have a great relationship with Manni and were looking forward to working together on this venture. Bardolino is designed to offer a fresh alternative, where authentic, uncomplicated food served promptly is absolutely essential. White is an active shareholder and investor in Black and White Hospitality. The company owns the franchise rights to five Marco Pierre White restaurant brands Wheelers of St Jamess, Steakhouse Bar amp Grill, Mr Whites English Chophouse, Marcos New York Italian, and Bardolino Pizzeria, Bellini amp Espresso Bar. Black and White Hospitality works alongside hotel owners to provide a branded, profitable food and beverage solution to their hotel business. The company currently has 34 restaurants across the UK and Northern Ireland. 200 Degrees lines up sixth site, in Cardiff Nottingham-based coffee roaster and retailer 200 Degrees has lined up its sixth site, this time in Cardiff. The coffee shop and barista school will take up HK4 Groups recently closed Base Barley venue in Queen Street. The site will undergo a 250,000 refurbishment, with the opening scheduled for late spring. 200 Degrees operates two sites in Nottingham and others in Birmingham and Leeds. The companys fifth venue will open in Leicester on Thursday, 16 March. 200 Degrees co-owner Tom Vincent said: The area is one of the citys main shopping streets with a castle at one end, so in that sense it feels a lot like our first shop. Cardiff is a vibrant city and well be bringing our own signature roasts and individual style of comfortable interiors, which we hope will be as popular here as they are elsewhere. We will be setting up one of our barista schools upstairs and look forward to becoming part of the growing independent coffee scene in Cardiff. Our customers are a nice mix of business people, shoppers, students, friends meeting up and a good number of people just wasting time on social media, we aim to keep them all happy. Being near Queen Street station means theres also a need to be properly focused for people on the go and well bring all our experience from our Nottingham station site to make sure the service is up to speed and spot on. Vincent added that the company is planning more openings, with two venues already at offer stage. Shaker Group expands into hotel sector with third venue Shaker Group has expanded into the hotel sector after acquiring its third site. The company has bought the Old Rectory House in Redditch, Worcestershire, through agent Christie amp Co off an asking price of 1.45m. The company also owns and operates Euston cocktail bar Shaker amp Company, Birmingham restaurant Gas Street Social and hospitality consultancy Shaker Bar School amp Consultancy. Shaker Group is undertaking a 500,000 investment in the Old Rectory House Hotel. The programme at the ten-bedroom, three-acre hotel and grounds includes creating a 70-cover Orangery Restaurant, 60-cover terrace and gardens, 30-seater cocktail lounge, and 14-seater private dining and conference facilities. The menu will specialise in fresh, seasonal and shareable modern European cuisine, including Himalayan salt dry-aged steaks, and a drinks menu featuring handcrafted signature cocktails and sharing drinks created by the Shaker consultancy team. The Doomsday Book lists a building on this site in 1086, during which time Lady Godivas son was lord of the manor. The great grandson of Sir Christopher Wren also lived in the house for more than 40 years and made a number of alterations. He modernised the original Elizabethan house in 1812 by adding a Georgian facade to the front elevation of the building. Shaker Group managing director Adam Freeth said: We are delighted to have acquired grade II-listed Old Rectory House, which has stood on the Redditch site for several hundreds of years. Old Rectory House will sit well within our eclectic mix of hospitality businesses. We look forward to restoring the former glory and family spirit that has characterised this historic venue. Brunning amp Price opens the Fox Revived in Norwood Hill Brunning amp Price, the 58-strong pub division of The Restaurant Group, has opened the Fox Revived in Norwood Hill, Surrey. It isnt the first time Brunning amp Price has been involved in the history of the pub the founding partnership of Jerry Brunning and Graham Price first ran the pub as the third in their estate in the 1980s. Eventually the partnership left Surrey to concentrate on pub opportunities around Chester, but now the company has spread further afield to once again return to the area. This is the first pub the company has opened in 2017. Later in the year there are plans to open the Dinorben Arms in Bodfari, Wales, and the Haycutter in Oxted, Surrey. A spokesman said: We are currently recruiting for around 40 crew members for each pub and are fortunate to have sister pubs around both our new developments, which will enable us to take on brilliant people as we find them and work with them to get them up to speed before we have even finished the developments. Health and leisure resort Champneys reports turnover and profit boost Champneys, the health farm and leisure resort business owned by Dorothy and Stephen Purdew, has reported turnover rose 7.2 to 32,490,307 in the year to 30 April 2016. The business, which added Eastwell Manor in Kent to its existing portfolio of four resorts in November 2016, reported pre-tax profit of 1,818,425 (2015: 1,625,410) after exceptional items of 1,353,608 (2015: 1,643,394). The total number of guests visiting Champneys resorts rose to 166,970 (2015: 255,404), with average revenue per guest of 170.13 (2015: 170.86). The company earned royalty income of 1,441,283 in the year (2015: 1,469,217). Deliveroo has created more than 6,000 jobs Deliveroo has created more than 6,000 jobs in the UK, according to a new study commissioned by the food delivery company as it reaches the fourth year since making its first delivery. The company saw UK orders increase by 650 in 2016 as it undergoes rapid expansion. The company has created 6,300 jobs since its launch, according to research by Capital Economics commissioned by Deliveroo, although the study gives no details of the average pay or hours worked in the jobs created. The study also finds that Deliveroo has generated 200m in revenue for restaurants in Britain. Alasdair Murdoch, chief executive of restaurant chain Gourmet Burger Kitchen, said Deliveroo had produced a positive impact in a number of areas of our business, including an increase in sales, which had led to us employing more people right across our business. Heineken gives 50,000 to Pub is The Hub Heineken has given 50,000 to Pub is The Hub, with the funds directed towards the initiatives Community Services Fund and regional hub of advisors. The fund was launched in 2013 to kick-start pub diversification schemes run by licensees in the form of grants of up to 3,000. Support for the regional hubs will help with running costs, marketing and its small team of advisors around the UK. Heineken corporate affairs director David Paterson said: We are delighted to build on our support of Pub is The Hub. We warmly welcome the governments announcement last month that it will fund the organisation and we are pleased to join the government in its support and match its donation of 50,000. Heineken has partnered with Pub is The Hub for some years and, with 1,050 pubs in our Star Pubs amp Bars estate, we share Pub is The Hubs belief that the pub should be the centre of vibrant community life. Pub is The Hub chief executive John Longden added: We are thrilled Heineken has chosen to support Pub is The Hub with such a generous donation. It recognises that great licensees and their pubs play an enormously important role in communities across the UK. With Heinekens help, we can continue to support these small businesses with advice and small grants. In turn, these schemes will continue to change peoples perceptions of pubs, drive local economies, support local employment and provide important community hubs. BrewDog opens DogTap Columbus Scottish brewer and retailer BrewDog has opened its brewery outlet in the US DogTap Columbus featuring a dozen taps of the companys own craft beer alongside curated guests from the US. The company plans to double this offering to 24 taps when the BrewDog brewhouse is fully operational. To celebrate the doors opening, the company air-freighted BrewDog beer direct from its kegging line in Scotland, while further beers will be supplied by the new brewery in Columbus, Ohio, which is due to start production soon. DogTap Columbus is also offering a range of wines and liquor, sodas from Boylans Bottling Company, and freshly roasted barista coffee. DogTap Columbus, which is in Gender Road, Canal Winchester, has a range of different seating options, ranging from full table service to bar stools. DogTap also has a restaurant serving freshly cooked-to-order burgers, salads, pizzas, bar bites and sharing boards. The taproom features a gaming area with shuffleboard and pinball machines. London Cocktail Club launches membership scheme ahead of double opening in the capital London Cocktail Club (LCC) has launched a membership scheme ahead of its opening of two new sites in the capital this spring in Monument and Bishopsgate. The free club-style scheme will reward customers with a wide selection of perks true to the brands family and friends-oriented personality. The openings will be the seventh and eighth sites for LCC, which is owned by JJ Goodman, while the membership programme will offer tailor-made deals on the first day of every month. Offers will include 20 to 50 discount on drinks at selected venues, a SecretServe cocktail deal, exclusive access to events and invitations to members-only events, queue-jumping opportunities, free sharing cocktails, and a free birthday cocktail. Goodman said: Weve been dying to launch membership. It gives us the opportunity to give back to those who love LCC as much as we do. It was always an inevitable offering from us and we cant wait to see how far we can take it London Cocktail Clubs venues are in Bethnal Green, Covent Garden, Goodge Street, Islington, Oxford Circus, Shaftesbury Avenue and Shoreditch. Advanced Social Media Masterclass schedule revealed The schedule for the Advanced Social Media Masterclass has been revealed featuring all-new content and insights to allow companies to increase brand exposure and broaden their reach. Propel has partnered with digital marketing company Digital Blonde for the event, which encompasses a full-day programme of tips, insights, case studies and information to help create sector-leading, compelling content. The event takes place on Friday, 7 April at One Moorgate Place in London. The day will open with Digital Blonde founder Karen Fewell introducing the latest social media technology and trends and how these will have an impact on food, drink and hospitality marketing. It will detail all the emerging trends to watch out for and how businesses can benefit from them. Delegates will find out everything they need to know about Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. The sessions will revisit effective social media campaigns, with a special focus on flops and triumphs. It will delve into what success looks like across each platform and how to avoid the potential pitfalls. The day will also explore the psychology of marketing, giving delegates the chance to understand human behaviour and decision-making processes. There will be a session on boosting social success with PR and how they should work together for best results that really get audiences engaged and involved. The discussion will be brought to life with recent and relevant examples to learn from. The day will also look at the sites, blogs and social media accounts with highly engaged audiences that possess the power to make a place or product a hit. Delegates will find out how to create their dream team when it comes to recognising, recruiting and retaining social talent. Getting the job spec right, as well as understanding your audience, play a part in this mission and this session will help businesses to become a magnet for the talent they want. The event will also look at exploring how to use analytics to inform business strategies and how measuring and monitoring key metrics can lead to continuous performance improvement and a sector-leading social media presence. Delegates will also find out how their social media messages and campaigns can benefit from social advertising, all without using big budgets. The session will cover advertising examples, appropriate spend and how to evaluate paid-for activity. The day will also cover making sure your social marketing is engaging for all and there will be a session providing clarity on marketing to Baby Boomers, Generation X, millennials and Generation Z. Delegates will also find out the best ways of using social media to attract families to their pub or restaurant. The day will be rounded off by a panel of experts, who will answer burning questions that have arisen during the event. Tickets are 295 for Propel Premium members and 345 for non-members and can be booked by emailing anne. steelepropelinfo Handful of places left at Propel Multi Club Conference There are now only a few places left at the Propel Multi Club Conference on Thursday, 9 March at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel, 4-18 Harrington Gardens, London SW7 4LH. Paul Hemming, managing director at AlixPartners . will provide an overview of current mergers, acquisitions and refinancing trends in the UK market and reflect on market growth. Michael Ingemann, chairman of the ground-breaking Copenhagen-based Claus Meyer Holdings (founders of Noma) . will talk about learnings from launching a food hall and a fine dining restaurant in New Yorks Grand Central station last year while also launching a culinary school in Brooklyn. Andrea Ferraz, analyst at Morgan Stanley . will look at the impact of third-party delivery on the UK foodservice sector, compare progress in the UK with other major markets and give her views on how third-party delivery will develop in the UK. Nick Pring, co-founder of Urban Pubs and Bars, will talk about creating a unique market position in London suburbs, building a business the second time around, finding property and repositioning JD Wetherspoon pubs, creating a pizza concept, and opening a 12,000 square foot pop-up at Stratford Westfield. John West, head of franchising sales for Coffee Republic . will set out how the company has revived its fortune in the UK and overseas, its USPs, its position within the coffee market, its franchising strategy, and future plans in the UK and abroad. Jason Myers, chief executive of Busaba Eathai . the concept created by Alan Yau, will talk about evolving the brand, staff recruitment and retention, prospects for the Thai market, brand longevity, and developing its delivery and takeaway business. Kevin Charity, founder of Coaching Inn Group . will set out the benefits of taking Business Growth Fund investment two years ago, including his reflections on the process and how it has quadrupled the value of the business through the execution of a business plan that has included buying new sites, strengthening the management team, leveraging head office costs, and growing site Ebitdas through investment and operational improvements. Dan Einzig, food and beverage entrepreneur and chief executive of sector design agency Mystery . will look at current trends in Los Angeles and London and the learnings from innovative brand concepts his agency has helped to develop, including Bubbleology, Za Za Bazaar, Yorica, Rawligion and Dub Jam, its own Caribbean barbecue and reggae rum bar concept. Jayne Baker, managing director of Wright amp Bell, will talk about the ground-breaking 3.2m Imbiba-backed Kitty Hawk, the department store of dining concept combining shopping, drinking and dining its progress at its first site in South Place, and future prospects. Atholl Milton, co-founder of Street Dots . will speak about the companys development of a unique street food business model, the size and quality of the market, connecting and developing high-quality street food traders, and the way he sees street food developing in the future. Steve Locke, co-founder of Be At One . will set out how the company has developed its own distinct position in the cocktail market with a focus on staff training and development, progress in the regions, and future prospects. Multi-site companies can book two free places each by emailing anne. steelepropelinfo or calling 01444 817691. Propel Premium subscribers to receive new membership benefit Subscribers to Propel Premium are to receive a new benefit a 50 discount on tickets to Propels Masterclass series of events in 2017. The series includes The Advanced Social Media Masterclass, The Leadership Masterclass, the Finance and Investment Masterclass, and the Multi-site Management Masterclass. The current free service to all existing readers remains the same but readers can opt to upgrade to receive the Propel Premium service. Propel Premium subscribers also receive the Morning Newsletter, which is sent at 6.30am each weekday, 12 hours earlier at 6.30pm the day before. On 1 March, Propel Premium subscribers will also receive an updated version of the Propel database of multi-site companies, which will add another 200 companies to the existing database of 700 to hit the 900 mark. For operators, annual subscription costs 345 plus VAT, with an extra 50 per additional subscriber at each company. For suppliers, annual subscription costs 445 plus VAT, with an extra 50 per additional subscriber at each company. To subscribe to the Propel Premium service, email anne. steelepropelinfo Morning Briefing: Each morning, Propel publishes a comprehensive morning newsletter, reporting the latest industry news Propel Multi Club: Three times a year the Propel Multi Club meets to hear presentations from top operators and sector watchers. This is the best-attended conference series in the sector Study Tours: Propel partners sector expert home and abroad to show operators the best in new and ongoing concepts Masterclasses: Propel holds marketing, social media, brands and multi-site management masterclasses to get under the skin of the most dynamicfast-moving and challenging areas in the sector Dusk til Dawn Awards: These awards, which are held after The Bar and Nightclub Conference and held in association with the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers, recognise the best operators in the bar and nightclub sector Investors and Operators Dinner: This annual dinner hosts the UKs most active sector investors and the sectors most dynamic growth companies to expand mutual networksWhat is IntraDay Trading Intraday trading as the name suggests refers to the trading system where you have to square-off your trade on the same day. Squaring off the trade means that you have to do the buy and sell or sell and buy transaction on t he same day before the market close. Intraday Trading is also referred to as Day trading by many traders. Mari kita jelaskan Intraday trading dengan sebuah contoh. Misalkan Anda telah membeli 100 saham ABC terbatas pada jam buka pasar, maka Anda harus menjual no yang sama. Saham ABC terbatas sebelum penutupan pasar. Sama halnya jika Anda telah menjual sahamnya, Anda harus membeli jumlah stok yang sama dengan yang Anda jual sebelumnya. Dalam platform perdagangan online saat Anda melakukan transaksi intraday, Anda harus secara eksplisit menentukan (seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah) bahwa ini adalah transaksi Intraday sambil menempatkan pesanan. Namun jika terjadi transaksi beli Anda selalu memiliki opsi untuk mengubahnya menjadi pengiriman Kemudian sebelum pasar tutup. Di sebagian besar posisi platform perdagangan online yang dibeli di bawah perdagangan intraday dikalikan secara otomatis jika tidak dilakukan oleh Anda sebelum penutupan pasar. Mengapa banyak pedagang menganggap Intraday Trading menarik biaya broker untuk saham yang diperdagangkan di bawah segmen perdagangan hari ini sangat kurang dari segmen Delivery. Margin Tinggi tersedia untuk perdagangan Hari (misalnya. Jika Anda memiliki Rs.5000 di akun Anda, Anda akan diizinkan melakukan transaksi bernilai beberapa kali lipat dari nilai ini. Rasio ini bervariasi sesuai kebijakan perusahaan pialang. Sebagian broker Perusahaan bahkan mengizinkan margin upto 10 kali) Mereka tidak ingin membawa posisi mereka dalam semalam karena harga saham mungkin akan terpengaruh karena ada peristiwa lain dan terbuka dengan celah ke atas atau gap keesokan harinya. Strategi Trading Intraday - Ada berbagai gaya trading yang diikuti oleh para trader untuk perdagangan Intraday. - Some traders focus on very short term and exit the position once they reach minimum level of profit. Such traders usually rely on Volume of transactions to make a substantial profit. They carry out multiple buy and sell trades and sometimes exit the position within minutes. - Beberapa pedagang mengandalkan tren perdagangan Intraday dan biasanya jauh lebih sabar dan melakukan transaksi lebih sedikit. - Pedagang baru menggunakan perdagangan Intraday hanya dalam kasus beberapa peristiwa besar ketika saham tertentu diperkirakan naik atau turun berdasarkan beberapa peristiwa. Perbedaan antara membeli saham secara Intraday dan Dasar Pengiriman - Jika Anda telah membeli 50 saham dari beberapa perusahaan pada basis pengiriman, saham ini akan ditransfer ke Akun Demat Anda (biasanya dibutuhkan 2-3 hari untuk menyelesaikan transfer) dan dapat Anda lakukan Apapun yang Anda inginkan dengan saham. Anda dapat menyimpannya selama 5 tahun atau menjualnya minggu depan. - Intraday trading stocks tidak benar-benar ditransfer ke rekening Anda dan Anda harus menutup posisi Anda sebelum pasar tutup pada hari yang sama (menjual saham no yang sama) Intraday Trading for Beginners Banyak pemula di pasar saham menemukan perdagangan intraday yang menarik. Pilihan dan melihat ini sebagai kesempatan untuk mendapatkan uang dengan cepat setiap hari. Namun, kita memiliki sebuah kata peringatan untuk mereka karena perdagangan intraday tidak sesederhana itu. Mendapat keuntungan dalam perdagangan intraday setiap hari tidaklah semudah itu dan membutuhkan banyak kerja keras dan disiplin. Apa pandangan Anda tentang 8211 8220 ini. Seorang pemula di pasar saham harus menggunakan perdagangan intraday atau tidak8221.Drop dalam komentar untuk berbagi pandangan Anda. Saya membeli HDIL pada intraday 100 saham 73 rs. Saat order beli dijalankan. Saya berpikir untuk menjual saham tersebut jadi saya menempatkan 1 order lagi untuk menjual 100 lembar saham HDIL 74,25. Tapi dan pada akhirnya akun trading saya menyebutkan bahwa saya telah melakukan 4 transaksi 2 beli dan 2 menjual 100 lembar saham masing-masing HDIL. Transaksi tersebut mengacu pada pembelian 100 lembar saham HDIL 73 yang terjual 100 lembar saham HDIL 74,25 membeli 100 lembar saham HDIL 73,40 yang terjual 100 lembar saham HDIL 73.40 Yang saya duga adalah order sell yang saya buat sebagai transaksi short selling di intraday. Apakah ini berarti saya tidak bisa membedakan posisi intraday saya dengan diri saya sendiri. Apakah saya harus menunggu untuk menutup waktu pasar untuk menyesuaikan posisi saya. Mohon klarifikasi pada Sir ini, Jika kita melakukan perdagangan paruh waktu (intraday atau delivery) dan akan mendapatkan keuntungan per tahun 100000 atau 200000 maka kita perlu membayar pajak untuk tahun itu atau tidak diperlukan. Untuk perdagangan Intraday misalnya script x berapa lama saya bisa beli dan jual per hari apakah ada batasan aditya kumat bilang: saya ingin menjadi day trader dengan 5000 rs saya pemula adalah jumlah ini tepat untuk memulai dan broker mana yang Terbaik untuk mee 8230. becoz beberapa broker memiliki beberapa kondisi saldo akun minimum seperti 20000 atau 25000rs plz membantu saya mengenai hal ini Terima kasih atas penjelasan yang bagus yang saya punya satu pertanyaan. Pada akhir hari ketika saya harus pergi ke mana-mana yang membeli saham saya jika tidak ada yang tertarik pada mereka (skenario yang saya beli saham di pagi hari dan perlu diimbangi sebelum akhir hari tapi tidak ada pembeli) Jika Platform perdagangan tidak sejajar secara otomatis, di mana pembagiannya pergi ke bursa jika tidak ada pembeli (saya berasumsi untuk melakukan pertukaran perdagangan yaitu BSENSE) Ujjaval Jain mengatakan: Tuan, kebanyakan di semua platform online perdagangan intraday , Jika u cant membuat persegi off, itu akan membuat sqaure offs otomatis tidak ada kondisi seperti setiap tubuh menjualbuying saham harus membeli saham sebelum penutupan. Jika ada orang yang tidak menjual barang, akan terjadi ketidakcocokan pada akhir hari dan akan otomatis kuadrat pada akhir hari dan saya kira harga penutupan mungkin diberikan dengan menarik semua pelanggan yang tidak menyelesaikan bisnis mereka. Saya baru mengenal pasar saham, sebenarnya baru mulai browsing net untuk mendapatkan ide. Jadi dugaan saya di atas mungkin salah. Minimal 1,00,000 untuk pendapatan bebas risiko. Lihatlah bisnis lain yang tidak suka berjudi sehingga Anda berani bertaruh 15.000 jika prediksi saat itu 30.000 jika salah maka 1.0008230 hanya mengira Anda menginvestasikan 1.0000.000 di toko maka berapa yang akan Anda harapkan setiap bulan. Minimal 5 sampai 10k. Tapi pikirkan jika Anda akan menginvestasikan 100 crores dalam film bollywood maka Anda bisa mengharapkan 20 sampai 30 crore. Jadi, pendapatan dan keuntungan bervariasi sesuai dengan modal investasi dan sektor. Jadi, selalu mengharapkan penghasilan yang layak dari modal awal Anda diinvestasikan. Vinod shet mengatakan: ayaan malhotra mengatakan: PERFECT ANSWER ADMIN melihat AYAZ jika saya memiliki batu yang akan saya sentuh dengannya maka itu adalah emas, pikirkan saja apakah saya akan mengatakan hal ini kepada siapapun atau akan memberikan ini kepada siapapun? Nooooooooo82308230..never82308230 Pernahkah Anda melihat blog atau tip dari warren buffet atau rakesh jhunjhunwala. Mereka hanya menyatakan portofolio mereka hanya untuk mendapatkan volume perusahaan-perusahaan di mana mereka sudah diinvestasikan sebelumnya. Jika beberapa rumah broker menyediakan tip seperti itu maka bcoz yang mereka berikan untuk keuntungan broker mereka di otherway mereka trading dengan tangan Anda, tetapi jika ada orang lain yang tidak memiliki kartu broker yang memberikan tip yang menguntungkan sejumlah uang maka dia juga menyukai Anda Sayang hanya berharap dan memprediksi dengan beberapa keterampilan. Jika sasaran ditabrak maka mereka akan mengambil kredit tapi jika berhenti kehilangan trigered maka mereka akan mengatakan bahwa itu adalah kesalahan dari volatilitas pasar dan kecenderungan yang salah 8230 tapi Anda akan kehilangan uang bukan mereka. Jadi hati-hati dari Inilah jenis guru pasar yang disebut. Saya ingin tahu, tentang biaya sebenarnya dari share untuk eg - share value0.10 face value 1.00 jika ingin membeli 10.000 share dari berapa jumlah yang akan. Dikurangkan dari akun saya Apakah itu 1000 atau 100008230 .. tolong balas segera anda harus membayar nilai pasar (nilai saham) untuk membeli saham. Nilai nominal adalah nilai saham pada saat IPO. Anda tidak harus masuk ke ini. Pak, Pertanyaan pertama saya adalah apa perbedaan antara perdagangan tunai dan perdagangan intra hari Dalam perdagangan intraday haruskah saya membayar tunai saat membeli saham Sir, juga membantu saya untuk memahami bahwa berapa jenis sistem perdagangan yang ada di pasar saham maksud saya Untuk mengatakan dengan ramah memberikan bagan di mana TRADINGCASHITIONAL PERDAGANGAN TRADINGPOSITIONAL PERDAGANGAN TRADINGPOSITIONAL DAN JIKA APAPUN JENIS SISTEM PERDAGANGAN YANG ADA DI PASAR SAHAM akan dibedakan dalam bahasa yang sederhana. Mencari balasan awal anda Berterima kasih kepada Anda Dalam perdagangan Intraday Anda harus membayar tunai tapi itu akan menjadi sebagian kecil dari jumlah saham yang dibeli selama intraday. Sebagai contoh jika Anda ingin membeli 100 saham ABC Ltd. di Rs. 100 per saham dalam perdagangan intraday maka Anda perlu memiliki 10000 dolar (100 X 100) di akun Anda. Broker Anda akan memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan perdagangan meskipun Anda memiliki sebagian kecil dari jumlah itu di akun trading Anda misalnya. 20 8211 Rs. 2000 (berbeda dari broker ke broker). Namun Anda harus menutup perdagangan sebelum penutupan pasar. Mengenai pertanyaan Anda tentang jenis trading. Ini dapat dikategorikan luas sebagai perdagangan saham 8211 8211 Intraday trading, 8211 Cash Trading (Trading Pengiriman) Future Trading Options Trading Commodity Trading (dilakukan untuk komoditas di bursa saham yang berbeda) Forex Trading (perdagangan dalam berbagai mata uang )
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